Modica: Pozzallo for sand and some of the blue wobbly thing

The last predicted sunny day during our time in Modica, though I have been careful not to invest full faith and confidence in the weather forecasts; we awoke and decided the girls deserved some sand between their toes. We had previously seen Marina di Modica, Donnalucata and so decided to head for Pozzallo a mere flesh wound of a drive away.

Obviously we had to do a drive-by at Caffe dell’Arte in Modica for the usual especially as tomorrow is their day off; tut tut..we took in some Crespelle di Riso yesterday which were absolutely superb. The coffee was to fuel the fires for today and put behind us a very broken night. I couldn’t sleep, the girls were alternately awake most of the night etc etc heavy lids and bags the size of proverbial Gucci suitcases under the eyes today.

Pozzallo then….I know at least one (perhaps the only) reader is currently in Pozzallo, so I will choose my words carefully…perhaps worth saying that we didn’t undertake this trip to Italy for the beaches….we have lived in Australia for the last 8-9 years and there are beaches to burn there. Pozzallo, Bandiera Blu or not, was not the best “town beach” to look at. I am certain that within easy reach there are much better looking beaches and villages, but Pozzallo was a bit “modern” in terms of construction for my liking. As we have learned, we do not judge the towns by their proverbials, so headed down to the beach.

The water like all the coastline we have experienced hereabout was crystal clear and much warmer than anticipated; there were no waves… I only went in up to my knees as the kids were in and out carrying water back to the sand castle they were building and foraging for more shells to take home. The locals sauntering by thought us crazy given the girls were in swimmers and vests, but 20 degrees with sun is warm enough for beach behaviour in my world!

I took some shots of the beach view to give you a sense of the immediate outlook and you can judge for yourselves, however we had a great morning of fun, sand and a total lack of anything I would call surf….more salty lake.

PS. The only thing that spoiled the occasion for us was the VERY smelly idle water about a third of the way up the beach…I mean phewwwwwweeee; sort of skunk meets dung meets garbage meets armpit.

Back for a run and lunch. I never run so that was novel in itself….and on that, tip of the day is “don’t run with a belly full of anything, let alone homemade and very garlic ridden humus”….

Off to loosen the hamstrings and plan the rest of the days activities; writing my CV anyone?


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